In this article, we have prepared a summary of the 100 best slow-paced, low-stress jobs ideal for introverts, shy individuals, those with anxiety, and anyone seeking a quieter work environment.

In today’s world, it may appear that the highest earners are the most outspoken, resistant to stress, and unafraid of emotionally and mentally taxing work. While this holds true in some instances, it doesn’t mean that individuals averse to stress can’t achieve financial success by pursuing enjoyable and convenient career paths!

We hope that this article, along with its extensive list of stress-free job options, will help you recognize the numerous career and development opportunities available to individuals who are introverted or less stress-resistant.


1. Travel Agent – average salary: $ 23,000 – $ 105,000
Quiet work, primarily focused on selling travel and tourism services and providing recommendations to clients regarding the ideal tourist destination for their needs. Customers at tourist offices typically exhibit a positive demeanor and politeness, as they are excited about their upcoming trip, which enhances their happiness and overall positivity.

2. Work as a real estate appraiser for a bank – average salary: $ 37,600 – $ 83,200
The good part of this job is that you have practically no employer and you specify your own work method, and how and when you will work. You just come to people’s houses, watch them and tell the bank how much such a house is worth.

3. Actuary – average salary: $ 85,600 – $ 140,000
Involves analyzing insurance risks and premiums. This is a good profession for people who have analytical thinking and like paperwork.

4. Etcher or engraver – average salary: $ 21,500 – $ 40,000
Engrave or etch metal, wood, rubber or other materials. Includes such workers as etcher-circuit processors, pantograph engravers and silk screen etchers.

5. Graphic Designer – average salary: $ 35,100  – $ 71,500
Graphic designer is a profession for people with artistic skills consisting in creating and editing graphics, photos, images, infographics, brochures and many more. Graphic designer work is generally stress-free and in most cases allows you to work at the pace that graphic designer wants to work at. Many graphic designers work remotely or from home.

6. Caretaker or House Sitter – average salary: $ 21,000  – $ 43,500
Simple and easy work, which usually boils down to the fact that you have to sit in an apartment. During this time, you can often do some extra things such as writing something on the phone or laptop, or reading books.

7. Pet Sitter – average salary: $ 27,300  – $ 54,700
Handling animals is not only stress-free, but it also works well for emotional problems and helps to relieve stress.

8. Ghostwriter – average salary: $  33,500 – $ 99,500
Ghostwriting is a good work for people with literary skills. Ghoswrtier writes books, magazine texts, speeches and other types of commissioned texts. Often this work can be done remotely, e.g. from home.

9. Applications Software Developer – average salary: $ 72,000 – $ 108,000
Designing applications which comes down largely to programming is a fairly calm and well-paid job. Application development is usually slow paced and low stress job which is done at a time convenient for the designer.

10. Proofreader – average salary: $ 32,300 – $ 65,500
Proofreeading is about reading publications, texts or checking some products for errors. It requires analytical skills and is pretty well suited for people who like a quiet job.

11. Dietitian or Nutritionist – average salary: $ 32,400  – $ 69,500
A dietitian is a qualified nutritionist with specific health knowledge who helps to assess, diagnose and treat dietary and nutritional problems.

12. Carpenter – average salary: $ 36,200  – $ 64,300
The work of a carpenter, especially if we work alone, is very calm and can often be even relaxing. It’s a kind of art which comes to giving wood shape and finesse. Manufactured furniture can be sold online, and also offered to nearby stores, or you can open your own mini-store.

13. Massage Therapist – average salary: $ 29,200  – $ 75,700
Massage therapist works in peace, often with calm music and relaxing fragrance oils. The pace of the massage therapist’s work is not great, although he must have strong and durable hands, which are usually the most important in this work.

14. Artistic Painter – average salary: $ 59,300 – $ 69,700
Artistic painting almost always has the form of freelancing, but it can be a profession you can earn enough for a living. Each painter works and creates in a slightly different way. It’s best to look for clients for your work by selling and advertising the works online (e.g. here), as well as using art vernissages. Profitable services that an artistic painter can offer include, among others: mural painting, illustration making, portrait painting, and digital painting.

15. Solar Energy Systems Engineer – average salary: $ 36,800  – $ 80,500

16. Bloger – average salary: $ 21.100  – $ 53,300

17. Technical Writer – average salary: $ 46,400  – $ 87,400
The most important tasks of a technical writers include developing, gathering, and disseminating technical information among customers, designers, and manufacturers. They for example create diagrams to show users how a product works.

18. Computer Hardware Engineer  – average salary: $ 83,700  – $ 135,00

19. FedEX or UPS Driver  – average salary: $ 47,500  – $ 82,500

20. Tax Preparer  – average salary: $ 36,500   – $ 43,400

21. Online Merchant  – average salary: $ 28,00 – $ 88,000

22. Librarian  – average salary: $ 37,800  – $ 89,200
Work in library is generally calm and runs at a slow pace.

23. Library Technician  – average salary: $ 21,300  – $ 44,900

24. Vehicle Inspector  – average salary: $ 28,500  – $ 30,400

25. Transportation Equipment Electrical and Electronics Installer and Repairer  – average salary: $ 43,000  – $ 60,300

26. Nanotechnology Engineering Technician  – average salary: $ 53,000  – $ 63,400

27. Biomedical Engineer  – average salary: $ 65,300  – $ 103,000

28. Molecular and Cellular Biologist  – average salary: $ 56,000  – $ 84,000

29. Photonics Engineer  – average salary: $ 112,500 – $ 125,400

30. Astronomer  – average salary: $ 69,400 – $ 119,000

31. Materials Engineer – average salary: $ 56,500  – $101,000 
Materials Engineers work primarily in laboratories where they develop, process, and test materials used to create a range of products such as smartphones, toys, shoes sport accessories and much more. 

32. Hand Sewer  – average salary: $ 21.100  – $ 31,900

33. Judicial Law Clerk  – average salary: $ 39,800  – $ 97,100

34. Mapping Technician  – average salary: $ 46,000  – $ 54,000

35. Operations Research Analyst  – average salary: $ 55,100  – $ 107,000

36. Statistician  – average salary: $ 66,600  – $ 117,000

37. Food Scientist  – average salary: $ 48,600  – $ 88,900

38. Remote Sensing Scientist – average salary: $ 80,000  – $ 91,000

39. Freelance Photographer  – average salary: $ 32,800 – $ 46,600

40. Environmental Restoration Planner – average salary: $ 56,000  – $ 84,000 
An environmental restoration planner conducts laboratory and field tests to monitor the environment and investigate sources of pollution, including those affecting health. 

41. Curator – average salary: $ 39,800  – $ 113,000 
The work of a curator is not always easy, but for many shy people it may be perfect depending on their organizational skills. The duties of curator are mostly organizing, cataloging and managing exhibits in an art galleries, museums and in other places of culture.

42. Robotics Engineer  – average salary: $ 58,100 – $ 109,000

43. Gardener / Work in landscaping  – average salary: $ 28,800 – $ 54,300

44. Greenhouse Manager – average salary: $ 48,000  – $ 72,000
Work in the greenhouse is quite pleasant because you have contact with plants in it and you can often feel like in a natural fresh place. If you want to work for someone in a greenhouse, depending on your employer and type of business, there is a good chance that this will be one of the nicest slow paced low stress jobs available on the market. It may also be a good idea to create your own greenhouse and grow plants or vegetables on your own.

Read also: Business Ideas List – Over 170 Ideas for Business for Everyone

45. Accountant  – average salary: $ 42,200  – $ 84,500
The accountant’s job is primarily to do paperwork and to count and check papers on financial transactions. This is one of the most typical slow paced low stress jobs that can often be performed in flexible time, to some extent also remotely.

46. Insulation Contractor  – average salary: $ 31,900 – $ 53,000

47. Hearing Aid Specialist  – average salary: $ 39,600  – $ 70,100

48. Wall and House Painter  – average salary: $ 30,700 – $ 49,900

49. Hydrologist  – average salary: $ 45,200  – $ 85,900

50. Archaeologist  – average salary: $ 31,000 – $ 48,200

51. Medical Records Technician – average salary: $ 30,900  – $ 51,300
Medical records technicians help doctors by tracking patients’ health data. Their task is to help doctors to make their offices better organized because of what they do paperwork, check patient insurances and organize documents.

52. Marketing Manager – average salary: $ 52,500 – $103,000

53. Survey Researcher – average salary: $ 32,000 – $ 48,000

54. Radiation Therapist  – average salary: $ 68,500  – $ 103,000

55. Computer and Information Systems Manager  – average salary: $ 85,000 – $ 208,000

56. Information Security Analyst (Ethical Hacker)  – average salary: $ 24,700 – $ 111,500

57.  Art Restorer – average salary: $ 26,000 – $ 69,500
An ideal job for people with artistic skills who enjoy quiet and slow paced work and are interested in works of art and in art itself.

58. Physicist  – average salary: $ 71,700  – $ 146,000

59. Glass Blower  – average salary: $ 24,000  – $ 36,000

60. Tutor / Private teacher  – average salary: $ 16,100 – $ 48,800

61. Upholsterer  – average salary: $ 44,000 – $ 60,300

62. Archivist  – average salary: $ 33,900  – $ 68,000 
Work of reviewing documents and assessing which of them are important and should be kept in archives, and which may be deleted. This work requires some meticulousness, but it is characterized by calmness and a slow pace of work.

63. Hair Stylist  – average salary: $ 17,400  – $ 34,100

64. Barber  – average salary: $ 19,700  – $ 43,600
It boils down to cutting men’s hair. The most common task of a barber is to cut hair or beard and trim them, and also do things like comb hair and beard.

65. Yoga Instructor  – average salary: $ 30,500 – $ 102,000

66. Psychologist  – average salary: $ 48,500 – $ 113,500

67. Psychotherapist  – average salary: $ 40,700  – $ 83,500

68. Handyman – average salary: $ 20,000  – $ 78,900

69. Personal Coach  – average salary: $ 23,500  – $ 135,000 –
Many people are stressed working in large groups, so it can be a good idea to work with one person as a personal coach.

70. Zoologist  – average salary: $ 47,800  – $ 106,000

71. Craftsperson  – average salary: $ 31,000  – $ 93,000
There is a whole bunch of different crafts that pays to make yourself. If you like to create things and if you have talent for it, you can earn as a craftsperson as much as working in a good company full-time.
Craft products also include home-made food and snacks, but remember that you must meet the required standards set by your state to be able to sell them legally. One of the most profitable craft products to make yourself are: soap, cosmetics, furniture, lamps, pillows and ceramics.

72. Cartographer and Photogrammetrist  – average salary: $ 48,000  – $ 72,000

73. Retail seller  – average salary: $ 19,900  – $ 29,500

74. Translator  – average salary: $ 33,600  – $ 81,400
The work of a translator is often quite well paid and undoubtedly belongs to slow paced low stress jobs. Most often it can be done remotely.

75. Personal Organizer  – average salary: $ 39,600  – $ 53,000

76. Chemical Engineer  – average salary: $ 60,500  – $ 101,000

77. Taxi Driver, Uber Driver or Chauffeur  – average salary: $ 18,000  – $ 51,000

78. Audio Engineer  – average salary: $ 25,000  – $ 87,000

79. Interior Designer  – average salary: $ 40,300  – $ 76,000

80. Sommelier  – average salary: $ 35,900 – $ 70,500

81. Optician  – average salary: $ 39,800  – $ 64,800

82. Dropshipping Business  – average income*: $ 1,200 – 240,000 $
Dropshipping business involves selling products that we do not have physically and we order them from suppliers only when our client orders a product from us. This is a pretty good idea for a business for people looking for slow paced low stress jobs, because you can work in such a business and set your own working conditions. However, as in any business, for some it is very profitable, while others do not earn much income and give up. It all depends on what products you order, how you advertise them, a lot will also depend on the speed of ordering and the quality of products offered and competition in this field.
* Data on average dropshipping income has been calculated by us and is based on the information we have collected, but it is difficult to say how exactly the average income from dropshipping looks, because there is still not enough information and calculations on this subject.

83. Selling or flipping things on Amazon, Ebay or Facebook Marketplace – average salary: $ 21,000  –  $ 81,000

84. Data Entry – average salary: $ 25,300  – $ 39,500

85. Delivery driver  – average salary: $ 34,800  – $ 50,300

86. Mystery Shopper – average salary: $ 15,500  – $ 91,000

87. Pharmacist  – average salary: $ 113,000 – $ 145,000

88. Hotel receptionist  – average salary: $ 26,000 – $ 28,000

89. Call Center or Customer Service Operator – average salary: $ 22,400  – $ 54,100

90. Virtual Assistant  – average salary: $ 20,200 – $ 48,800

91. Microbiologist  – average salary: $ 38,800  – $ 83,700
The profession of microbiologist requires slow and thorough work in order to properly observe and properly conduct tests and research. In this work, the norm is long and time-consuming work that requires knowledge and analytical skills. Undoubtedly, rush and stress are scarce in this work and are very unusual and inadvisable in field of microbiology.

92. Physician Assistant  – average salary: $ 90,200  – $ 127,000

93. Animal Shelter Worker  – average salary: $ 26,500  – $ 30,000

94. Fashion Designer  – average salary: $ 43,800  – $ 94,700

95. Phone Operator  – average salary: $ 21,800 – $ 38,600

96. Electrician  – average salary: $ 34,800  – $ 73,300

97. Architect  – average salary: $ 58,400  – $ 113,000

98. Plumber  – average salary: $ 42,600  – $ 72,300

99. Locksmith  – average salary: $ 38,600  – $ 64,300

100. Transcriptionist  – average salary: $ 48,500  – $ 60,000
A transcriptist job is one of the best slow paced low stress jobs, which can often be done remotely from home.


An interesting way to make money at a slow pace and without stress is a vending machine business. In such a business, you can earn even several hundred dollars a month per machine, and work at a time convenient to you and in the way you find most comfortable.

Saurces of data: our estimated earnings are avarage salaries per one year, based on data from, and

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