1. Tutorial chanels

Everyone is the best in something. Show what you are the best in.
You can make tutorials about everything. If there is anything – there can be made tutorial about how to do that thing in the most perfect way. Even if you do not know how to make something 100% perfectly, your tutorials might be useful to people who do not know at all how to do it.

2. Stand up chanels

Just talk something funny, interestring, mind-blowing, or really nice.
-spontaneous standups
-prepared standups

3. Travel chanels

explore your neighbourhood areas (the most interesting objects next to yur home, nearby forests, streets, lakes etc.)
-go abroad and show what are the best attracions you seen

4. Match music to video in a perfect way chanels

5. Match video to the music in a perfect way (like a making teledisc to any song to show what is the character of the song and what is it about, and how do you imagine that song and etc)

6. Add sounds from one video to another video in a perfectly synchronized way

7. Film animals

Film your pet or any animal while it’s playing or doing anything and add your dubbing voice in a sychronized way. Try to create humoristic dialogues

8. Abstract weird films

-make a weird abstract film showing actually something or nothing . The more weird your film will be, the more attention it will bring to your chanel. Remember that it’s nice to shock people with something positive. Stay away from too much controversial topics like religions, sexuality, races etc. It’s nice to do something crazy which do not hurts poeple!

9. Compare two similar products with each other to let other people know wich one is better for them

10. Sociological observstions chanel

11. House interior design tips and ideas chanel

12. Check out what is in big city bins chanel.

13. Start a chanel where you ask every person the same question. For example “what is the first thing you usually do after you wake up?”

14. Test taxis and other transport wehicles to show their quality and how quickly they reach destination 

15. Workout, training chanel – show your workout tips and exercises – describe how and how often you do it – explain your diet

16. Show your favorite food recipes- show how you cook in this way, explain why you choose that products, explain history of food recipes 

17. Start healthy lifestyle chanel – show how to live healthy , how to eat healthy, how to make your life easy and not stressful 

18. Talk about yourself chanel – if you have interesting life why not to share your best stories and experiences with your viewers?

19. Travel in trains. Show how nicely it is possible to travel world in train. Talk with people 

20. “Advice Research / Bank” chanel – start vlog where your viewers ask sophisticated and interesting questions in comments and you answer all the best questions with help of the most intelligent and wise people (ask doctors professors and specialists)

21. Teach people how to have dreams. Many people really doesn’t know how to dream, and do not have real dreams. Maybe you can teach them how to be a dreamer?

22. Talk about necessary ideas that must come true and must be invented in future. Create in your head ideas like a life vest protecting humans from plane crushes, or things like mobile force fields for planes and trains and cars protecting them from communication accidents.

23. Ultra-Best Pack Chanel – show the best things to pack to your bag, luggage or pockets depending on where, when, with whom you travel and which mode of transport you use.

24. Dance chanel – teach people how to dance, show your dance styles and tips. 

25. Way test chanel – put a cam in your car / motorbike and start timer to see how quickly it is possible to reach from one part of a city / country / continent or world to another. In that chanel you can advice people how to choose the best way, what is worth to be seen during trip, and how to make trip safe and nice.

26. Talk about language chanel – languague (english, chinese, spanish or anyone) is something we all use and is one of the most important things that let us work life and cooperate with other people. In this chanel show interesting facts about language, for example show how many different spoken forms of every word here is and talk about slang and culture of language.

27. Chanel where you show different techniques of painting and creating art. Show your best artistic tips, ideas. Teach people how to create beautiful designs and how to make special beautiful arts. 

28. Make interviews with one type of people and aske them the same question to see what this type of people is like. For example go to 10 hairdresser saloons and ask every hairdresser “what is in your opinion best way to protect your hair from the sun in summer?” Listen to what they say and then make a synthesis of their answers. You can ask like that people who are working in the same type of job in different countries, or in different age etc.

29. Start chanel which very precisely and in detail talks about one topic – 

For example talk in all your films about tea

30. Make a picninc in a beautiful place chanel 

Take a picninc basket, blanket and the best food. Find the most beautiful and amazing places to make picninc there. And just enjoy this beautiful time and film everything.





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